Lavanya Buddha
sussex womens clinic

About your visit
what can you expect?
Once you have made an appointment to see me, you can rest assured you are in safe hands!
Upon arriving at Goring Hall, you will be greeted by the receptionists who will register your details. I pride myself on punctuality as I feel that the time before the consultation is the most stressful one In my clinics, I spend 30 minutes one-on-one with you in a completely confidential environment to try and diagnose the issue and select the right course of action. If surgery is required, I will talk you through the options in a clear, easy-to-understand way to ensure that you are comfortable and schedule a date. From then, you will be able to contact my secretary Mrs. Tina Banks who will organise the necessary follow-ups. A letter will be sent out to both you and your GP to keep you informed about the treatment plan and to schedule potential follow-ups.